Welcome to our April 2019 edition of the Sharks Have Heart monthly newsletter.
This month we document the community work of one of the Sharks NRL stars, the vital women’s breast screening service which was offered at Sharks during April and we announce the Club’s two NRL community advocates for this year. And the outstanding Skillz4Me program had a special guest drop by one of their sessions this month. Read on as we keep everyone up to date with all the most recent Sharks Have Heart happenings.
Chad supporting One Meal
Sharks half back Chad Townsend, in some of the best form of his career on the field in 2019 has also been making a major contribution off it as well this season.
After being introduced to the local charity One Meal, an organisation doing outstanding work Townsend volunteered to support their efforts to feed the homeless of the Sutherland Shire.
The club didn't facilitate Townsend’s relationship with the not-for-profit charity, however he felt compelled to do extra community work and sought out ways he could assist.
Troy Whittaker from Sporting News published a feature article on Townsend, the work he is carrying out, the great job One Meal is doing. See following a link to the Sporting News feature – CLICK HERE
For more on One Meal and the services they provide, see their Facebook page – CLICK HERE
And to read the Sharks website article, CLICK HERE
Vital Breast Screening service at Sharks in April
Sharks stars Jayden Brailey, Briton Nikora and Scott Sorensen help promote free screening mammograms made available during April at the BreastScreen NSW Mobile Van stationed in the Sharks Leagues Club car park.
The boys were pleased to help promote the message that BreastScreen NSW was providing free screening mammograms, particularly for women aged 50 – 74, but also for women 40 – 49, and in the 75 and over age group.
More than 1 in 8 women in NSW will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, with nine out of 10 women diagnosed having no known family history of the disease.
Early detection saves lives and finding breast cancer early improving survival rates, making the free screening as provided during April at Sharks a vital community service.
For more information or for women who weren’t able to make it to the Mobile van at Sharks Leagues during April, visit www.breastscreen.nsw.gov.au to find the closest BreastScreen facility.
Dugan backs State of Mind, while Flanagan is a Voice Against Violence
Josh Dugan and Kyle Flanagan have been announced as the Sharks NRL Community Advocates for 2019.
Dugan will be the Sharks State of Mind ambassador, Flanagan the advocate for Voice Against Violence, with the pair joining some of the game’s biggest male and female stars as NRL Community Advocates and in helping support two of the biggest NRL community programs.
As an ambassador for the Sharks Make Bullying History Initiative, Dugan has been extremely active in the community space, while as an emerging star, Flanagan shapes as the ideal representative to help promote the Voice Against Violence messages amongst the youth of the local area.
Flanagan will be engaging with a group of the under 16’s players from local JRL in sessions run by former Canberra Raider Alan Tongue and conducted in partnership with White Ribbon, Full Stop Foundation and Our Watch.
The Voice Against Violence sessions compliment the Sharks Love Bites program which is run through Sutherland Shire area schools.
In addition, Sharks Harvey Norman Women’s Premiership players Ruan Sims and Maddie Studdon will also be State of Mind advocates.
To learn more about the NRL’s State of Mind and Voice Against Violence programs, including a list of partners, visit www.nrl.com/community and to read more about Dugan and Flanagan’s involvement, plus a list of players representing the 16 NRL clubs, CLICK HERE
Special guests at Skillz4me
Corbin Harris, a local boy who grew up in the Shire and rose to fame as one of Australia’s best ever skateboard riders was a special guest at a recent Skillz4me session at Taren Point.
Corbin Harris, who currently works as an international television presenter at many of the largest skating competitions across the US and around the world came down to show his support for Skillz4me, a Sharks Have Heart supported program for children with autism.
Skillz4me aims to build confidence, improve social skills, coordination, balance, stimulate neural pathways, communication and eye tracking.
Harris was joined by Sharks NRL squad members Isaac Lumelume, Brayden Trindall and Jackson Ferris.
In 2018, 108 children attended weekly sessions to improve social interaction and confidence, while also progressing their sporting skills on an individual level. Jason Stanton, Skillz4me program founder and facilitator, reported 71% of participants recorded an improvement in sports skills and 56% an improvement in social skills.
Sharks Have Heart will continue to support Skillz4Me throughout 2019.
Sharks Have Heart thank Platinum Partner Capital Bluestone for their continued support of community initiatives and programs
To support Sharks Have Heart in the delivery and sustainability of their programs and initiatives, donations can be made. CLICK HERE – to help make a difference in the community.