The Sharks are looking for Homestay Families to host out of district Sharks Junior Players for the 2016 season.
The players, who are recruited and brought into the Sharks system from outside the local area, will be attending school, pursuing an apprenticeship/traineeship or working fulltime whilst fulfilling their training and playing commitments with the Club.
Typically the players will be between the ages of 16-19 and on most occasions they will live with a Homestay Family for between one to two years depending on the individual circumstances.
A number of this year’s successful Sharks SG Ball team and also 2015 NYC squad members have prospered due to the assistance and family-friendly environment created by living with Homestay Families.
If you would like to assist the Club or know someone that can possibly help, please contact Sharks Welfare and Education Manager Bryan Norrie on 02 9527 8257 or via email at [email protected] for further details and information.